Jumat, 08 April 2016

Starting out with My Advertising Pays com Day Eight

My Advertising Pays, It Pays To Be On M.A.P!

Hi folks! Here we are on day 8 of my venture into the world of My Advertising Pays.com.
So before I go any further, heres the latest screenshot of my stats:

As you can see, since my last post, I have made enough money to purchase 2 more credit packs, bringing my total to 33, with a Lifetime Profit Share of £138.

I also actually missed a days clicks, as I was out in the mountains and couldnt get a decent internet connection, and still, enough money came in to buy more packs.
All for clicking on 10 ads per day!  

And, as you can see, I already have $31 nicely building up for the next credit pack purchase.

You can do this too, simply follow this link


and enjoy the benefits :)

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