Jumat, 11 Maret 2016

BOOM! or BUST Shiny Ball Syndrome

It’s no wonder people out there are worried or more likely,sceptical about joining an online business in order to earn an extra income from home…
Since joining MyAdvedrtisingPays I’ve discovered there’s a whole world of opportunity out there. MAPs is after all a place where people advertise their websites and affiliate links etc. I’ve seen a very wide range of sites being promoted, but the most popular kind are the money making opportunity kind.
The problem is, so many programs out there come and go in such a short period of time, or they are still around, but have ground to a halt.

 Thankfully, MyAdvertsingPays, the advertising platform where I hear about most of these new sites first, has gone from strength to strength, and pays very well.
The biggest let-down was The Achieve Community. That one hurt thousands of people through dishonesty. Soon after that, a similar company called Trinity Lines started to suffer because of what happened to Achieve, and so they simply closed down! 
There’s more… ones that are still here but either have ground to a halt or just crawling along. Many of them are looking for ways to re-energise and kick start their programs again, which is a good thing I suppose, such as Unison Wealth, but with so many other opportunities out there, people have and are moving on to the "Next Big Thing". One of the more recent "Next Big Things" was a company called Automatic Mobile Cash. Sadly, that’s now running at a snail’s pace too.
Of course there are some really great companies out there that have been around for a while, and have a proven track record. The problem with many of them is they are Network Marketing companies, and not many people like sponsoring, or like having to market themselves, shoot videos, write blog posts and so on. For many, the curve of learning how to become an internet marketer is too big and people tend to give up too early in the game.
What’s working for me right now, and has been since I joined in May 2014 is MyAdvertisingPays. This has been the best earner for my, hand down, by far! Because of all the other junk out there, when I joined MAPs I was warned it wouldnt last, and it was called all sorts of names, but it has outlasted and out-shone all the others.
The company is in profit and as a qualifying member I’m paid a part of that money. MAPs has over 110,700 members at the time of writing, and with the introduction of a new advertising product recently (Jackpot Wheel), it’s making even more money than before!
If you want to join my team so I can help you earn from MAPs or use the advertising platform to promote your business, then simply click this link and hit the JOIN button.
When you buy advertising Credit Packs from MAPs, they actually tell you to use your credits to promote your other businesses.
You can find products and services to promote on sites such as JVZoo, Clickbank and Clicksure.
So come on, give it a go!!!  

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