Jumat, 11 Maret 2016

How to Earn 5000 Monthly with Shorte st Url Shortener Best Url Shortener to Make Money in short time

Tags: Shorte.st Review Make $100 per Month without a Blog Make Money with link shorteners youtube url shortener Earn Money While Referring Links How To Earn Money in Shorte.st Earn Money Online from URL Shorteners shorte.st adfly How can you make a lot of money from shortest link shortener earn money on short links can you really make money online how to make money in india without investment Make 600$/Day With Shorte.st ideas to make money Shortener affiliate program How To Make Money Online With Shorte.st 5 Best URL Shortener Service how to make money on facebook Make Money with Shorte.st URL paying shortener, High CPM rate 7 Best URL shorteners of 2015-2016 Make Money How to Make Money with Links shorteners company make money with url shortener from twitter facebook url shortener Earn Money Online with URL Shorten Websites earn money on short links best url shortener How are url shorteners making money shorte.st reviews how to earn fast from shorte.st

A few years ago, I got interested in using link shortener in sharing my blog post, facebook and twitter to avoid being flagged as spam in social media, I used lots of them and encountered this shorte.st last month and it’s new to me, I read from other articles that it really pays while sharing posts on Facebook, twitter and the likes, We all knew that adf.ly and others is widely used and I already tried some of them but the earning is not that impressive, so i gave myself another try for shorte.st and I am really impressed that it is really paying.

They also have unique style of giving ads wherein they automatically redirects the viewers to my site within 5sec after showing their ads. Shorte.st is basically the URL shortening service that helps you earn money as well, not a main source but additional earning opportunity for your blog. Now it is time to find out why Shorte.st pays you to post their links online on Facebook, twitter and other social sites.

This article will help you understand everything and eventually help you start using this link shortener that is not just dedicated to making you organize your links on social media but helps you earn as well.

About Shorte.st

They are based on Europe link shortener. Shorte.st is an advertising network based on links that are spread over the Internet. Unlike other ad networks they don’t need even a single pixel of your precious webpage space. They simply take care of your links. Every time a user clicks a link on your website they will redirect to an intermediate page with an ad, after five seconds the visitor being taken to the destination URL.

How to Register with Shorte.st

You can join using any email or using facebook account. Visit here to register

Payment Options for Publishers   

Payment Options: Payoneer and Paypal 
Payout for 1000 views : $10,75
Minimum payout : 10$
Payment Time   : Every Month 10th Date

Shorte.st Rates per 1,000 views

Their rates changes daily maybe due to advertisers demand, the rates ranges from $0.50 - $10,75 depending on the country where the clicks came from.

Referral System of Shorte.st

EARN 20% on referrals - lifetime, so register now under my link if you want here as a token of informing you on this earning opportunity.

How much money can I make? 

The Shorte.st pays upto $11.00 for 1000 views, $11.00 may sound small, but just think for a second, How many people use Facebook? Over 500 million people use Facebook on a daily basis. If you could get even a small portion of Facebook users to click on your link or url, you could be earning a tidy amount of money. A great way to attract lots of users to click on your links is to set up a Facebook group. Many of these groups have more than a million users – so if you get your thinking cap on, you can make good money very quickly!!!. You can also make more money by making videos and post them to Youtube and leave a link in the description.

Here is the tip that I can give you to Earn with Shorte.st

1. Share Facebook Images Links, like funny or scary photos and trending photos out there. No need to upload the photo, just view the uploaded image by others and then right on the image and copy the image link/location then that link you copied must shorten with your shorte.st account and share it on Facebook. This will surely increase your earnings. You may join facebook group with more than 1M members here were you can share your link to earn more in shorte.st.

2. Twitter.com Get some followers on twitter and post your links there so your followers can click on these links.

3. YouTube Video links; like funny videos, scary videos and trending videos, just search on YouTube and you will find a lot to share, just copy the link of every video then shorten the link and use that for sharing on Facebook, twitter or on any social media.

4. Blog Post Links: offcourse if you are a blogger you may shorten your link first before sharing it to any social media for you to earn from sharing your latest useful articles. (take note that it may not improve your social media traffic due to annoying ads)

5. Post on forums Most of the forums allow url links in your posts. Find a trending topic that is going to be trending for few months at least. Find forums related to that topic and sign up to them. Find something related to that topic and post on them on forums. Keep increasing your posts solely. You will see your earnings increasing slowly.

6. Pinterest.com Publish pictures of popular content with links of your website.

7. Ask your Friends: Ask your friends to follow the links on your website.

I personally recommend to use them for additional earnings for your blog. It may not be that big earnings but still earning.

Why are you Waiting? 

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