Jumat, 01 April 2016

Ways to Make Money Online for Transcribing Audio Files to Text

Make Money Online for Transcribing Audio Files to Text

Dear Friend,

Those are interested to make money online can try transcribing audio files. Working as a transcriptionist online is a great way to make money online and there are people making a living this way. Thanks to Internet you can find lot of earning opportunities online transcribing audio files. 

No matter if you are a complete newbie with zero experience transcribing audio or an experienced transcriptionist with years of experience and can type very fast, you can always find something to work. 

Of course, beginners make less money than the experienced transcriptionists, but as their experience grows, so will their earnings.

Ways to Make Money Online for Transcribing Audio Files to Text
Ways to Make Money Online for Transcribing Audio Files to Text

Newbie Vs the Experienced

Transcription does not require some sort of specialized training and even newbies can start working on a jobs that don’t require experience and typing speed. And over time as their skills improve can take on higher paying jobs. 

To start working online all you will need is a computer connected to Internet, a good quality set of head phones or speakers and in some cases a foot pedal.


You can also find free software online that will help you to transcribe audio files to text. One of them is program called ExpressScribe. 

If you wish to test and improve your typing skills you can download KeyBlaze Typing Tutor or go to Typingtest.com.  KeyBlaze Typing Tutor allows you to increase your accuracy and typing speed through exercises. 

You can also try Transcribe. It’s a website which also allows you to upload your audio files and transcribe them and store them online for further use. It has a free and a paid version.
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Find Transcription Job:

There are many work opportunities for both beginner and experienced transcriptionist. They are free to join but all of them require you to pass a test. Some of them will also require to submit a resume and have some experience in transcribing. Many of them will require that you are a fast typist typing over 50 words per minute.

Websites to Make Money online for Transcribing Audio Files to Text:

· AmazonMechanical Turk or Mturk. Is an excellent choice for all new transcribers looking for their first assignment. There are lots of tasks posted daily on Mturk many of them are transcription tasks. 

After you open account search for the following requesters (employers): Claritrans, CastingWords, SpeakerText, and SpeechInk. They are among those that post transcription tasks. Keep in mind that you will have to pass a test to earn a qualification to work on certain tasks.

· Scribie. Also a great site for newbie. You will have to pass a test to be accepted working for scribie and you will also need to have a  Paypal account to receive your payments. The pay is $1 for a six minute of audio file which equals to around $10 per audio hour. Although the pay on Scribie is low, it’s a great place to start and improve your skills before applying to higher paid jobs.

· TranscribeMe - Another good site for beginners. Applicants must pass a test before they can work for TranscribeMe

· VerbalInk- Verbal Ink accepts U.S. citizens. Applicants must email their resume and cover letter and have a typing speed of 65 words per minute.

· Way with Words requires a typing speed of 50 words per minute. All applicants must be able to transcribe an audio hour in four hours as well as dedicate at least 20 hours every week. They must also pass a test.

· AccutranGlobal requires their applicants to have a typing speed of 70 words per minute. The pay is on a per word basis, paying $0.005 to $0.0066 per word.

· SpeakWrite also pays on per word basis and the minimum typing speed required is 65 words per minute.

· GMR Transcription - accepts only applications from U.S. and Canada. Previous experience is not necessary but they have a strict grading policy.

In this Make Money Online for Transcribing Audio Files to Text, you have learnt:
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