Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

How to Generate Site Maps for Blogger Blogs and Other Websites

        Site maps are very important for any website or blog .After giving your blog/website the best design and making it life, we sometimes feel the deal is done. We are aware that most websites designed today take into consideration SEO.  
Designing your blog and hosting it does make it 100 percent complete. People need to know about what you offer on your blog, you services, post and products when they search on Google, Bing, Yandex and other search engines.

    Among the several factors needed to optimize your site. Creating site mapsand submitting them to Bing and Google are very important especially to those who want to optimize their content (bloggers in particular).
Basically, a site map is a search engine informer. It informs search engine about the latest updates on your website.
Today I will be sharing with you some simple techniques to generate site maps. In this post we will see how to create site maps for:
 i.   Blogger blogs,
ii.  Word press sites and
iii.  Any other website.

          How to create site maps for blogger blogs 
  Blogger blogs by default have an XML site map generator. You don’t need to do anything for your site maps to be generated. There are generated automatically.

However the site maps that are generated are just for  26 recent posts. You will need to create other site map(s) so that your older post can be remembered by search engines. One of the simplest ways to do this is by using this code
              Submit this to Google  for your first 500 post
   If you have more than 500 post ,create another site map  OF 500 post by replacing 1 with 501
     Submit this second site map to Google and proceed to the next 500 by replacing 1 with 1001 this time around till you have exhausted the post on your blog.
 In order to submit to Bing add your domain name to form a site map link as follows. 
  Remember to replace with your domain name .   
You can also Generate Blogger blogs site maps with Blogger Tricks site map tool. Here is how to do it:
==Go to
==Type your blog URL 
== Type the number of post you have published on your blog
 ==. Click on generate site map
             You should see a page that says Bingo.......
 If you are new to site maps, scroll down to where you see 
Blogger Atom Feed Sitemap (see screen shot below)
Screen shot of site maps generated with Blogger tricks Site map Tool
 Copy all the code (indicated in the rectangle with red borders)   to note pad. 

As you can see, the code looks like the one above. The difference is that each site map has a maximum of 150 posts. So you will submit it in a similar manner as we did above one above.

Remember to create a site map link before submitting to Bing
You can explore other options if you know more about site maps

                      Generating  site maps for word press blogs
 The simplest way to generate site maps for word press blogs is with the help of plugins. There are several plugins that can do this Job. I will suggest these two.

1 XML site maps  plugin here
2. Google XML Sitmap Generator plugin
    All you have to do is down and install the plugin of your choice.

                      How   To Generate site maps for   Other website
     There are several ways to generate site maps for any website. There are some other advance methods you can use like working with the Bing site map generator.  In this post we are going to do it the easy way thanks to    and  . These two sites offer very similar services.  However, my favorite is  because up to 2000 pages can be indexed while with the other just 500 pages are indexed. however you can use pro services to get the best from    
          How To Creating site maps with   
You can create HTML site maps , XML  site maps, Text site maps, Resources Of a Resources(ROR) site maps on this site which can be submitted to Bing, Yahoo  and Google. Note that submitting your site on the Bing is assumed done for Yahoo. You will be able to submit more than

 Here are the steps to follow
---go to
--- enter your website URL  
---select the latest modification and priority or just leave the default ones
----click on the start button and wait for your site map to be generated.
---Download your site map or request download link via email and upload it to Google, Bing, Yahoo or any other search engine.
       Generating   Site maps With  
Let us get started;
STEP 1: Go
STEP2: Fill the small form 
STEP3:  Click on generate site map. 
STEP4: Click on more to add other options  or  modifications to your site map. 
Get your site map(s) and submit to search engines. You can submit up to 2000 post by this method.
     Here are the various ways to generate or create site maps for your blogs or website.     
Do you know any simple method to generate a site map  or any online  site map generator? we will be happy if you share it in the comment section.