Kamis, 19 Mei 2016

Ways to Make Money Online With eBooks

Ways to Make Money Online With eBooks

Dear Friend,

If you want to make money online, you can write your own free eBook, as its a great way that you can advertise your business due to the ease with which eBooks can be spread around. This is basic viral marketing and the eBook you make is a viral marketing eBook.

You actually want people to be free to share it around with others - you don’t care that they are giving it away because the product contains links back to your website!

It doesn’t cost you any money to have your eBook spread around. And anyone who sees it has the potential to visit your site through your link, or make you some money if they click through any affiliate links that are contained within the eBook. So make sure that you maintain an adequate number of links within any eBook you intend to give away for free. (Note: Many eBooks created for these purposes have a link at the bottom of each individual page of the eBook).

It will help to encourage the spread of the eBook if you inform people that they have the right to resell or giveaway the eBook. That way they will have some encouragement to advertise the book if they can keep the money made from every sale or simply to have something to offer to their list as a bonus for signup.

Ways to Make Money Online With eBooks
Ways to Make Money Online With eBooks



Choose an affiliate program or product to promote:

Create your eBook based on that affiliate program or product. (If for example you are promoting an affiliate program or product for dog training, then you might create an eBook which contains dog training advice and tips and have your affiliate link within the eBook. Your readers can then join the dog training program or buy the products through your affiliate link.)


You will of course need some software to create your eBook. There are many free software programs that can make your eBook out of basic word doc files. You may like to use a professional to design the cover of your eBook, as the better it looks the greater the chances that it will be shared. You can find a designer on Freelance Websites like Elace, Odesk, Freelance, ifreelance, guru and the like.



Remember to include those all important links within each chapter, as this will all help you to make quick money online, but try not to look as though you are only linking to something that will make you money, it’s better to make it look as though you are linking to something that can benefit your reader.

One of your links back to your website should be to a sign up page, along with reasons as to why they might want to sign up, so that you can target those who may get hold of the eBook in the future with offers they might like.

And then all you need to do is get that eBook in as many places as you can to enable people to start sharing it - now you really will be able to make quick money online!



  • bookbabySell more eBooks with a professionally designed cover. The industry’s best place for valuable tips on how to promote and sell your book.

  • flickrocketSet up your ebook own shop.

  • kindle.amazon.comthe Amazon Kindle is a series of e-book readers designed and marketed by Amazon.com. Amazon Kindle devices enable users to shop for, download and sell.

  • payhip.comUpload e-books and sell directly on Twitter, Facebook or your website. Sell your ebooks to your fans and followers and get paid instantly via PayPal.

  • secure-ebook.comA website with an integrated Blog engine that will help you sell more eBooks; The renowned Secure-eBook fully automated purchase process.

In this Ways to Make Money Online with eBooks, you have learnt:
to Make Money, Make Money Online, Ways to Make Money Online, 1001 ways to Make Money Online, 1001 Proven Ways to Make Money Online, how to make money online?, What  are the ways to make money Online?, Ways to Make Money Online with eBooks, Ways to Make Money Online by Selling eBooks.

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