Wow, its almost here!
I have to say over the last few weeks there have been a few WOWs of note
when it comes to MyAdvertisingPays. Heres a few things that have happened and one very exciting piece of news that about to happen...
In January my sponsor travelled to an event called the MAPs Millionaire Mastermind where 65 members met up with the number 1 earner in MAPs in the world. It was packed with brilliant training on how to grow your MAPs business and earn even more money!
Then there were a few server tweaks and bug fixes, when eventually lead
the Profit Share paying out at near Maximum of $1.00 a day per pack! This lasted around a week, and resulted in a great boost to many peoples income!
March Offer!!! Anyone who starts off with just 5 Credit Packs would benefit from me giving them a pack
at no cost, so they too could experience the superb profit share that
MAPs is paying! This offer runs out at the end of this month!
And ... wow, its almost here... :-)
The MAPs Jackpot Wheel game will be active next week!!
For those of you who have not yet decided to take action with your MAPs
account, MAPs sell advertising, not only to us but to corporate clients. Companies are queuing to adversities on MAPs due to its numbers
and popularity.
To increase advertising capacity its introducing a new game - and everyone
who has a MAPs account... yes, thats you... has a chance to WIN money.
Weve been waiting for it for a few months now, and theres an important update on the official MAPs blog, as it discusses the changes to your dashboard and so on.
Please go here to read this important update:
http://myadvertisingpays.info/ 2015/02/introducing-wheel- guaranteed-visitors/
Thats all from me, but Ill leave you with this, because of this Wheel game, MAPs can sell more advertising, and that means more Profits... and if youre
not active - ie. buying Credit Packs and clicking 10 ads a day youre going to miss out!
Oh, and heres a peek at my earnings... (Earnings not typical)

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